Changed Beauty is finally finished … for now.
It is waiting to be edited, and while I hate the editing process, I know that this book definitely needs it. Changed Beauty right now is 675 pages. SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE PAGES!
And now you know why it took me so long to complete Aiden and Allie’s story, and why I had to push the release from Spring to Summer!
It also explains why I haven’t kept up my blog post, posted on Facebook, and why I haven’t started to release the teaser tweets and posts like I promised. Aiden and Allie took every spare minute that I had, and really, they deserved all of my time and attention.
And they definitely aren’t done with it yet. I know I need to cut down severely on the amount of pages that I’ve written. I’ve already started going over some areas that I know I can cut down on, certain things I can delete, but I know it is going to be a struggle. It always is. But the book is currently in the hands of someone I trust to tell me what works, what doesn’t, and then I’ll go from there.
But for now, I am taking a bit of a breather. I NEED it. So much went on while trying to write Allie and Aiden’s story. So many tears, so much hair-pulling, so many times I wanted to give up and change what I was writing for so many different reasons … I think I need to regroup and get myself together. It really drained me emotionally. I had so much fun writing Sam and Liam’s story, and if you’ve read anything I’ve ever written about Connor … you know I loved writing his and Riley’s story, and while I absolutely LOVE Aiden and Allie … it wasn’t easy. I struggled. A lot. But now, I know that it was worth it. They were worth everything.
But I definitely need some “me” time now. I wrote three books in less than a year – close to 1700 pages … I am definitely drained! (And yet even as I typed that I just had a thought about Ryan … Figures!)
During that “me” time though I will be working on the teasers finally. I have quite a few of them lined up, I just need to get them looking pretty and post them. Also I am thinking that since you’ve all had to wait so long for me to finish this book, or to even tease about anything Allie and Aiden maybe I will give you a chapter or two before the release of the book.
So starting next week – on Teaser Tuesday – I will be posting a teaser from book 3! And I will continue to do so every week until the book releases. How about that?
I think I can manage that … even while editing!
Anyway – I am going to go have some “me” time now … which means I am going to go pick up the new Nora Roberts that has been sitting and waiting for me to start it!
Until next time … When I post more about Allie and Aiden’s story and some of the things you can look forward to … Happy Reading!